Hi! My name is Maria Camila. I am an Astrophysicist and a Systems & Computing Engineer. And I have a master’s degree in Computer Science. I am very interested in the fields of: cryptography, high performance computing, human-computer interaction, software engineering, data science, numerical simulations and quantum computing. My favorite programming language (which was also my first) is Python, but I also really like C, Java and Typescript.
In this website you will find out more about me, the projects I have worked on and the things I’m interested in. Here is my Curriculum Vitae available to download in PDF format:
Started coding
Graduated from High School
Graduated from Uniandes as a Physicist & Engineer
Started master in Computer Science in Paris, France
In the following sections you can find more information about: the academic projects I have worked on, my explorations in the world of art and my public speaking presentations:
Feel free to send me an email!